Dirty HVAC coils and heat exchangers eat up resources and energy and can be breeding grounds for fungi, bacteria, and microbial growth. Our process isn’t unique but we are. We provide a cost effective HVAC Coil Cleaning service that allows building owners the ability to offer a cleaner more comfortable and energy efficient environment for their occupants. Ultimately saving money. 
High pressure water isn’t the way to clean coils. It can cause damage and does not properly reach all areas. We use 100% water recapture and disposal that allows site specific chemicals to remove oxide and provides for a true coil cleaning. It’s a dirty job!

Our technicians are properly trained in all aspects of chemical use, recapture and disposal.  

Dirty Coils Waste Energy and Cost Money

A dirty coil covered in dirt and grime cannot supply proper heat transfer and results in greater energy consumption. Equipment operating with dirty coils can use up to 37% more energy than those with clean coils. 

Additionally, a dirty system’s cooling capacity can be reduced by as much as 30%. Dirty coils increase operating pressure and temperatures that breakdown the compressor’s lubricant and can result in equipment failure. A failed compressor means no cooling and costly repair. 

Our Services

a icon of a man wearing a green hat and green overalls .

Coil Cleaning - HVAC Evaporator / AHU (Air Side)

We use a medium pressure/low water volume cleaning pressure to apply and remove site-specific cleaning chemistry with 100% water capture and disposal.

  • Fan Energy Savings (VFD)
  • Improved heat transfer / capacity regain
  • Less hot calls
  • Improved IEQ
Scheduled regular maintenance program available.

A coil-cleaning program should be considered when the coils are new or freshly cleaned and should be performed with a frequency to prevent deterioration of the coils. This can be as often as twice a year, but typically every 3-4 years.
a icon of a man wearing a green hat and green overalls .

Coil Cleaning - RTU's (Evaporator & Condenser)

100% water recapture allows chemicals to remove oxide and provides for a true coil cleaning. Rinse water is discharged to a sanitary drain or hauled off site with zero discharge to a ‘storm drain’.

  • Energy savings
  • Restored cooling capacity
  • Reduced compressor failures
  • Improved IEQ
Scheduled regular maintenance program available.

A coil-cleaning program should be considered when the coils are new or freshly cleaned and should be performed with a frequency to prevent deterioration of the coils. This can be as often as twice a year.
a icon of a man wearing a green hat and green overalls .

Cooling Tower Cleaning

Manual Tower Cleaning – Utilizing power washers & shovels
Chemical Cleaning – Utilizing Acid Cleaning

This procedure requires a site-specific approach and chemistry to remove deposits with minimal degradation to the tower and fill. Each site is evaluated for the most efficient cleaning method.  

Scheduled regular maintenance program available.

A tower cleaning program should be considered when the tower is dirty and should be performed with a frequency to prevent built up and deposition. This should be done at least annually.

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