Short Answer:
The process in which dirt and debris are cleaned from the coils of your Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning System (HVAC). The goal is to have the coils work more efficiently in the heat exchange process.
Similar to the radiator in your car, the coil outside your building exchanges its heat with the outside air, and the inside coil (cold coil) exchanges the heat and humidity out of the air inside your building, to cool inside air temperatures.
-It is extremely important to clean the coils regularly to keep them working properly, meaning your system will work more efficiently and cool and heat your building both quicker, and using less energy.
In-Depth Answer:
Your air conditioning system uses refrigerant gas, and through a process of expanding and compressing this gas, it is able to cool the air. Refrigerant gases become very cold when they expand, and warm when they are compressed.
There are two coils on your air conditioning system, one outside, and one inside.
The outside coil is the hot one and is where the gas goes through right after it is compressed, and is therefore very warm due to refrigerant gases’ property to heat up when they are compressed. This coil is used as the radiator in your car to try to cool the gas after being compressed. Before it goes back into the part of your A/C system in your building where the gas is expanded and runs through another coil to cool the air. If this coil is dirty your system won't be able to cool down the warm compressed gas and your system will not work efficiently.
The inside coil This is where the gas in your A/C system goes right after it is expanded, and this coil is very cold, and therefore it exchanges the heat in the air in your building and cools the air dramatically. As the air in your building passes through this coil it is cooled, and humidity is removed, through condensation on the cold coil, providing you with comfortable, cooler, and less humid air in your building.
-Again, it is very important to keep this coil clean so that it can cool the air efficiently, and if there is dirt and debris on this coil, again your system will not run efficiently, taking longer to cool your building and costing more money on electricity.
We recommend having the coils on your HVAC system cleaned once per year to keep them working efficiently.
Important information about coil cleaning:
Coil cleaning is a very delicate process. A normal garden hose will bend and break your coils causing irreversible damage to your system. We use a special cleaning solution and process that uses low pressure, to prevent damage, and all waste rinse is recovered.HVAC Coil Cleaning Services in Denver and the Front Range. We help large building operators lower their utility bills & provide better air quality, cooling, and heating for their occupants.
Find out how much you can save with a free assessment. Schedule your free assessment by calling (720) 224-3306 or by scheduling online.
If you are ready to see reduced operating costs, reduced energy costs, & increased energy efficiency then schedule your free assessment today.
We are the team to do your dirty work - that saves money, energy, and the environment.